Bus Pass displays your student's ID bar code in the Here Comes the Bus (HCTB) app, enabling your student to use a smartphone to scan on and off the bus (if your school district has bar code readers on the buses and has included the appropriate data in their software setup).
To use Bus Pass, follow these steps:
Note: You can use Bus Pass even if you haven't signed up for a HCTB account; the third section below ("From the Login Screen") shows how to do so. You can actually follow those steps with or without an account. The first section describes how to use Bus Pass from the Here Comes the Bus Home screen. The second section demonstrates using it from any other screen.
From the Home Screen
- On the HCTB Home screen, tap Bus Pass.
The student ID bar code will appear of the first student listed in the HCTB account.
- If you're the second or later student, tap the drop-down arrow to the right of the first student's name and select your name from the list.
Your student ID bar code will appear.
- Place the bar code under the bar code reader on the bus, holding it there long enough for the reader to scan it (which is usually registered with a beep).
From Any Other Screen
- Tap
at the top of the screen (or the Back arrow and then
The HCTB menu will appear.
- Tap Bus Pass.
The student ID bar code will appear of the first student listed in the HCTB account.
- If you're the second or later student, tap the drop-down arrow to the right of the first student's name and select your name from the list.
Your student ID bar code will appear.
- Place the bar code under the bar code reader on the bus, holding it there long enough for the reader to scan it (which is usually registered with a beep).
From the Login Screen
Note: You can use Bus Pass with or without a HCTB account using the following steps.
- On the login screen, tap Student Login.
The student ID information screen will appear.
- Tap in the Last Name field and type just your last name.
- Tap in the Student ID field and type the ID number assigned to you by your school.
- Tap in the School District Code field and type your district's code, which is usually a five-digit number.
- Tap Student Login.
The bar code for the student ID you entered will appear.
- Place the bar code under the bar code reader on the bus, holding it there long enough for the reader to scan it (which is usually registered with a beep).
- You can tap Logout to return to the student ID information screen.