You can change how you receive notifications from Here Comes the Bus (HCTB) — whether you get them via email or push notification — by modifying your notification contacts, as follows:

  1. Click the Notifications tab.
    The Edit Radius tab will appear.
  2. Click the Edit Contacts tab.
    Your students will be listed.
  3. Click the expansion arrow to the right of the name of the student whose notification contacts you want to change.
    Contact options for both your email address and mobile device will appear, if you have downloaded the Here Comes the Bus app as well to receive push notifications.
    For the AM and PM stops, you will have Arrives and Leaves options.
  4. You can leave Arrives selected to receive alerts when the bus is arriving at your student’s stop.
  5. To also be notified when the bus is leaving the stop, select the Leaves check boxes.
    If your school district has Student Ridership, the Scan options will be displayed under the stops. By default, scan notices will be enabled.
  6. If you don’t want to be notified when your student's scans occur, you can uncheck the Enabled box.
    Under the Scan options, you can see that your account is automatically set up to receive a notification if a substitute bus is used.
  7. If you don’t want a substitute bus alert, you can uncheck that Enabled box.

    If you have multiple students, the next student's contact options will appear under the Bus Substitution section.
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for any other students you have.